Justice Starts at Home
“the battle is the Lord's”
Have you ever been in a room where someone made a coarse joke about another person? Or it was on TV, social media, or in a movie. For those who stay sensitive to the heart of God, it would bother you, and you would have felt dirty or pained in that moment. We need to study and learn about issues of human trafficking and sin in our world today, and even just learning about it makes us cringe. We need to know, but, in the same way, we grieve.
This grief is us feeling God’s heart about it. When we feel that way, we understand Justice. We need to guard that in our hearts, lives, and homes. Being holy and pure is God’s initiative for our benefit. Jesus died on the Cross to offer to carry our sin, so that our yoke is easy and our burden is light. We should not have to carry and participate in darkness. We are meant to be the Light of the world, with Jesus in us. We are to learn about sin in order to fight it. We can remain the spotless Bride of Christ while fighting evil. We just need to know that is our role, and proactively Ask Jesus to come into each situation we encounter and Do what only He can do. In the quote above, the whole verse says, “(So) that all this assembly may know that the Lord saves not with sword and spear. For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give you into our hand.” 1 Sam. 17:47 (ESV). A Believer has confidence that God’s got this. See Psalm 28:7, Romans 8:37, and Psalm 121.
God doesn’t, however, envision us lying on the grass looking at the sky all day. He also tells us to “be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” Ephesians 6:10 (ESV). We are offered armor, but we have to be proactive and put it on ourselves!
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 (esv)
We are also responsible for our own minds (“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline (or sound mind) 2 Tim 1:7 NIV/KJV). Jesus stands there offering us the Ability, we have to take it.
And as parents we need to protect our children. We are the ones who are the guardians of our homes. To be able to have the strength to guard Justice, we have to value Justice.
As parents, we protect our children as the first line of defense. To do this, we want to be sure to shut our own personal doors to sin. In the context of Justice, this would be sin which hurts other people. (See links at the bottom, here, for keys to help.)
For the sake of the focus of protecting children, and because the Injustices being done to children are currently mostly centered on child trafficking, I am limiting this paragraph to sexual sin. We can and must shut the door to this personally. With this we are agreeing with God that sin is evil, and that He wants to protect us from sin for our own good, and the good of our children, other children, and the future of our communities.
We also must empower our children to not open the door to sin themselves. To do this we suggest:
Modeling to them that you have a healthy marriage, with love and respect, as the parents of your children. If you are a single parent, getting the help to heal from the pain of needing to go this on your own.
Living forgiven in your home. This works itself out as being quick to forgive genuinely, but also being willing to transparently walk through pain honestly, so they see you grapple with your own need for Jesus. This also means asking forgiveness easily and humbly.
Teaching them about their body and how God designed them wonderfully and uniquely as male and female.
At the right age, teaching them God’s design for sex and healthy relationships.
Teaching the child to put boundaries around their own sexuality and bodies. This means that no other person is allow to look at, touch or take pictures of their body, nor would they do that to others.
Explaining that secrets are not ok. Surprises are fine, and blessing others with surprises is fun. But keeping secrets is not safe. Explain yourself.
Empowering them to use the word NO to keep sexual safety.
Help them to understand that they should not trust other people, but rather to ask questions. Take time for their questions. Never rush it or squelch them. Never let a sibling do so either. This is hard, but it would be better for them to come to you and ask why a cousin or neighbor is looking at nasty pictures than think that because they are friends of the family, it’s ok.
Never allow movies, media, school or friends to ‘educate’ them. This would include not having R-rated or questionable movies shown where they will see or hear them.
If you don’t homeschool, get on the school board. Know and read the curriculum. If you don’t support it, fight it or remove your child from school.
Be there also for the friends of your children, your neighborhood kids, and relatives. But live alert and on guard. The enemy prowls, and these are the most likely open gates to sexual sin entering your home. Most children who disappear were trafficked by a family friend.
I mentioned keys, earlier. These can help you to shut personal doors, so that you have the power and authority to shut them for your family:
Justice as the Bride
“Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.”
Billy Graham
As the Bride of Christ, we naturally want to take Justice and apply it to our communities. And we should. We must. For lack of having done so in the last few decades, many -isms have filled in the void in society the church has left.
Right now there is a spirit of Chaos abroad. Many Christians have been drawn into movements which are calling themselves Justice Movements, but which have questionable motives, funding, and actions. There is also a spirit of division abroad, seeking to split the church, with various views on this subject.
A simple litmus test is to be found in the nature of the movement which is saying that it fights for Justice. Do they support society or seek to disband biblical principles. If they call for “disrupting the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.” and are “queer affirming” ask yourself why. Also, check the backgrounds of the people who are running it. If you don’t know who it is, ask them. Assume the best until you find out otherwise, but be wise. Listen to the Holy Spirit. Is the person linked to someone who promotes murder, or jihad? Check into who their mentors are. Ask yourself if they are really promoting Justice.
There is reason to believe that it benefits the global trafficking market to have chaos, riots, violent protests, and areas where the police are not welcome.
When the Justice System is maligned and attacked, police can not do the work of protecting innocent lives from being trafficked. When chaos is used to normalize this and call it progress, one has to ask who is funding this, and why? But there is a bigger issue.
As the Bride of Christ, seasons of chaos are also times when we are called to a humble but firm stance for Justice as it is meant to be. If you are a Christian, you should want your city to flourish, and you should be willing to work together to make that happen. Consider praying with other local Believers. If you can’t meet, pray at home with your family.
asking God to close the door of the city to all who want to come in with evil motives.
ask God to dismantle the schemes of the enemy.
ask God to scatter His enemies and expose them as they are caught in their own traps.
ask God for angels to guard your city.
ask Him to activate His people in the city, and as wise leaders for the city.
plead the Blood of Christ for your city and region.
pray for Shalom in your city.
bind the spirits of evil, lying, murder, sin, and death in your city.
ask the Lord to give leaders who obey Him, and to give them wisdom and actions that overrule the plans of the enemy.
declare that your city belongs to the Lord, and agree with God for the destiny of your city to come into being as He designed it to be.
declare that Justice and righteousness shall prevail
bless your region with the Joy of the Lord and that Justice will come in such biblical measures that those who have suffered will be set free to dance upon injustice.
Ask for God’s kingdom to come and His will to be done in your city!
Other prayer guides like this one are available at Intercessors For America.
Then also ask. Jesus said to ask, that you may receive. Ask Him to show you what He placed you in this city to do. Ask Him if you are called to be a sender or goer. Ask Him what your Jerusalem is, and your Judea and Samaria. Ask Him where your ‘ends of the earth’ are. Justice takes on many forms. Ask Him what you are meant to do to work and live for Justice.
Cross Cultural Connections has a response team that is networked globally to provide a safe haven for women and children who have been trafficked.
If you are in America the
National Human Trafficking Hotline
1 (888) 373-7888
Available in 200 languages.
SMS: 233733 (Text "HELP" or “INFO”)
Justice Has Fruit
“I want to see a mighty flood of justice, an endless river of righteous living.” Amos5:24 (Nlt)
Jesus was very clarifying when He said that by their fruits we should know people. In seasons of chaos and warfare, sometimes it takes a little digging to understand the connections because the enemy works hard to cover up his tracks.
When people are providing homes for rescued orphans of war, reuniting them with their families, providing free education, giving widows literacy and job training, making a way to protect women who live in cultures where they are often murdered, and making sure that the under trodden have their needs met, Justice has tangible, good fruit.
But recently, some people have posed as if Doing Justice, only to be uncovered as doing evil. What is comforting about this - when you get your breath back after this hits you in the gut - is that the Fruit eventually comes out. The weeds are planted with the wheat. Eventually, the weeds will be pulled out and shown to be what they are.
It’s important to take time to learn if Justice is really being done when Justice is claimed to be done.
People who are trafficking humans, especially children, often hide or cushion their advances until something is normalized or legalized. This is Injustice, and we who fight FOR Justice need to remain abreast of it.
It is normal for evil to stay in the dark where it breeds until it can use chaos to its own ends. Do your research! Don’t believe lies! Do not believe that what is labeled fake news is really fake news until you have proven it so. For instance, snopes is not disclosing truth, but covering for lies. Ask who the Poynter Institute’s International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN is) and who is backing it financially? Why do search engines care what we think, ultimately? We are dealing with a complicated coverup for people who are trying to justify the purchase, sale, and abuse of children. This is serious and sobering.
“energy:vigorous exertion of power or effort” Websters Dictionary
There is a finite resource of time and energy. People working for Justice have to choose their focus wisely. First, they must listen to and follow God. For example, Cross Cultural Connections has chosen to focus on that part of society and the planet where roughly 1% of the missions dollars and 3% of committed people go to serve. Why? Because it is where the people live who have the most wars, some of the lowest life expectancy, deal with some of the highest crimes against women, most illiteracy, and where trafficking in humans is the most tolerated. Another term for this could be emphasis. But some of the issues that have been exposed indicate that being a victim is not limited to vulnerable nations, but can just as easily affect those who are ignorant. Therefore we also maintain an emphasis in researching and communication of the truth.
Find out where organizations put their emphasis. Who they focus on. What their history is. Ask them questions. Ask about who gets paid what, what they believe, who their funders are. Many organizations are happy to answer this kind of question.Cross Cultural Connections sure is! It’s also important for you to know.
It’s also crucial that you, yourself, are researching the roots of injustice. Ask why questions. It may be important to know that web searching for answers has recent limits. Several search engines no longer give truthful answers on some subjects. We currently recommend that g*ggle is not used. We do recommend that you ask through the lens of prayer, as you can see witnessed to here with Intercessors for America.
Again, ask questions. Ask the Lord what He is saying about this. Go to the Word of God. Keep your heart pure and focused. Do not get pulled off into hoping it will all go away. Or that the rapture will solve things. We are Called to be Alive and on the earth now for a reason. God expects His Bride to love Justice, and be proactive, through the power and grace that He wants to provide, when we ask Him for it. Ask. And Receive. Receive the Fruit of your actions, so that Justice can become real for children and women who are trafficked, suffering and abused.
“Solving Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking should be fought by the government and all law enforcement at every level. Having active Christian lawmakers, policemen and women, teachers, and social workers is crucial. But solving HT is an issue of the heart.
Not everyone realizes that dopamine was designed by God so that when a husband and wife met for the first time they would bond for life and it would strengthen their marriage. When dopamine is abused through exposure to sex in media, education, or practice the victim is wounded at a level that needs inner healing.
Also, whenever a person engages in sex with someone, there is a soul tie that is formed. They “become one”, as is meant to happen in marriage. When that is torn apart through multiple partners and divorce, a splintering takes place. This also needs inner healing.
The reality is that there is no secular solution to what victims of HT suffer. Only Jesus can provide that. This means that there has never been a more important time for churches to stand up and unite to meet this need as a community.
Parenting, teaching and grand parenting can and should include protection of the child from all forms of media, even advertisements. Media violence has been shown to be the number one cause of real life violence. The same is true of sex. A 1980 (pre-internet) study showed that of those exposed to porn (for even a short time):
Male subjects demonstrated increased callousness toward women.
Subjects considered the crime of rape less serious.
Subjects were more accepting of non-marital sexual activity and non-coital sexual practices such as oral and anal sex.
Subjects became more interested in more extreme and deviant forms of pornography.
Subjects were more likely to say they were dissatisfied with their sexual partner.
Subjects were more accepting of sexual infidelity in a relationship.
Subjects valued marriage less and were twice as likely to believe marriage may become obsolete.
Men experienced a decreased desire for children, and women experienced a decreased desire to have a daughter.
Subjects showed a greater acceptance of female promiscuity.
Men who consume pornography are more likely to adopt rape myth ideology, which is that women cause rape or actually enjoy rape or sexual assault.
Human Trafficking happens because there is a demand for it.
That demand has been orchestrated at a global level so that there is more demand for it. In other words, porn is created so that men will want prostitutes. This creates a market that is now second only to weapons.
So what can the church do?
The demand for sex is something a healthy church should address openly and clearly. Just like law enforcement studies real money to discern the fake, sometimes focusing on what is genuine helps people discern what is counterfeit. Suggestion: https://www.moralrevolution.com has great teaching, including how to clearly get free from porn, the multiple gender issue, and how to talk to children, youth and all ages of church members about it.
Having a special event to talk about slave labor and promote items made fair trade is a “soft landing”. It gives people a tangible, feel-good thing they can do - buy items made by rescued victims. Showing short videos of their testimonies also gives perspective. http://www.mybetterwaydesigns.org/AUTHENTICJUSTICE offers items made for sale by people who have been rescued from human trafficking. At such an event a flyer with the list of companies that use slave labor could be available.
One tangible we have seen work is to form a prayer task force that goes to strip clubs and known trafficking centers once a week in the wee hours - like 4 or 5 am - worships in the car, prays together in the car, then gets out quietly, anoints the building with oil and quietly prays the Lord’s prayer, asking for God’s kingdom to come and His ill to be done. God usually intervenes and does something miraculous.
A key reality is that many men have a history that includes strip clubs. It is clear that many people live a very loose life and have almost no grid for anything else. With the stats, above, about how people become immune and hardened, churches almost have to become proactive to create prevention in a safe place and talk openly about sex in a holy way. We have to be the ones that empower people to not become victims in the ocean they have to swim in every work and school day. https://sethdahl.com and https://www.moralrevolution.com have good courses which are already put together to help address these issues. What I love about these pastors and how they teach is that they are honest, vulnerable, and never put anyone else down. They have come back from an issue pf personal struggle with the power of the love of the Father, the forgiveness of Christ and the empowerment of Holy Spirit.
The education system. Organize a quarterly or monthly meeting to encourage and uphold Christian teachers in the public school system. Meet at a church, have a special speaker, serve a good meal, and pray for them, anointing them to bring the Gospel to the public school, know who they are in Christ with intercession, etc. we recommend: Lisa Max https://www.facebook.com/LisaMaxMinistries/ and https://sethdahl.com and https://www.moralrevolution.com
These speakers could double up and also share at church for church families too, while they are here. Teachers are not the only people who need to know what is going on and the solutions that are available. Too often we separate what happens outside of church with what people face 24/7. If we talk about addictions, sexting, cutting, suicide, porn etc as a church family, with Jesus woven in as the only solution, with testimonies of healing and victory, we remove the issue from the darkness, and then it is overcome.
Be a voice in one’s community:
become a protector and intercessor for the local libraries with the latest “hit” of drag queen story hour. Christians can and should prevent this with petitions and action.
Consider a petition to shut down nightclubs and strip clubs in your community.
Encourage Christians to run for office, especially where it will make a difference in moral issues.
The Nordic Model criminalizes the purchase of sex. Encourage people to get behind this in your state and nation.
The concept of drugging girl’s drinks is so normalized now that most teens just joke about it. But imagine being your daughter and going to school and knowing how defensively she will have to live. Girls have to know how to kick butt or they won’t survive. And even then they might not. Again, we need to talk about this.
We have power in asking for God’s kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven and we have the authority to ask for it is specific subjects and regions.
Realize that there is a Muslims population in this community. This means that there are girls and women at risk, and there are females who are being abused. Learning how to reach out to them is a valid outreach. We recommend Nabil Quereshi’s video series from Ravi Zacharias ministries.
Encourage people to speak out about “little things” like magazines at grocery stores, calling into local TV and complaining about which ads are shown when children might be present, or the rating of movies (like “Downtown Abbey” is PG13 but has gay sex scenes).
Help people understand that toleration is not ok. The next generation builds on our ceiling. Whatever we tolerate they will endorse. Laughing about things, making snide remarks or remaining inactive shows them that these things are their normal. Watching shows and TV where these things are accepted tells the kids we accept this, which means we accept them also doing these things.
Be supportive of ministries that reach out to those caught in human trafficking.
Consider getting involved with ministries which fight human trafficking locally.
A big step - but one church we worked with looked at the end goal and decided that getting women free from trafficking local was one of their big goals. So they prayed, built a task force and appointed a pastor to lead it. She began doing ride alongs with police to get to know the local issues. They discovered a strip where girls stood and men picked them up. They found out that the taxi cabs were in on it. The found out where the clubs were. They wrote legislation and had a law passed that men in strip clubs could not touch the women. They began praying at strip clubs, taking gift baskets to the women, and giving them their contact info. They invited them frequently and told them they could call anytime. After prayer the strip clubs closed. But the church was ready. The women were out of work, and they knew the church women. So the families invited these women to come and live with them. They had started a small, local business making pastries specifically for these girls. Most of them were illiterate, and could not drive. They helped them with their GEDs and taught them how to drive. They led them to Jesus and discipled them. Most went on to college after counseling and healing. That’s a bigger project, and takes an all church commitment, but it shows you what can be done!
Talk with local pastors and build a unified taskforce. That unity will give power to address this kind of issue. When pastors pray together demons tremble. Thank you so much for taking an interest in this subject. Many times people think they know enough about something like this to be inoculated against doing something about it, because the issue is so huge. But there are many little tangibles that can be woven into the substructure of church to lay foundations to begin tackling this outright. We pray that you are protected as you study this, and are empowered to bring things to the congregation, and appoint people to do things so that change comes. Thank you!”