Our Vision: authentic justice:
Do Justice For Those due Justice.
Jesus is the Incarnation of God. He took on flesh and Became our Salvation.
This means He walked amongst people; he touched them; He felt what they felt; He spoke their language; He read their body language … and responded.
“Then He said to go and do likewise; that we would do even more than He did; that we should let our lights so shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.”
It means we show up, and we are immersed in their culture. We have a passionate love that can’t be quenched. It requires a pre-existing deep relationship with God, empowered by Holy Spirit, through the powerful Blood of Jesus Christ. It means being humble enough to risk failure and being misunderstood, yet courageous enough to be heard for the sake of Justice.
Justice means bringing the kingdom of God to the best of our ability, through the leading of God, with Him opening the doors, giving the protection, provision, and miracles needed to make it possible. We are essentially along for the ride because so much depends on Him. If we were attempting something we could manage we wouldn’t need Him. But Justice is so evasive and so opposite from cultural norms that we really Need Him.
Sustainable change means passing the baton. This is not about our teams; this is about when the local church is equipped and we can take a step back and they stand fully on their own. We walk into the future of the bigger picture, when Peace has taken root, at the grassroots level. Every people group and tribe will stand exuberantly shoulder to shoulder. "For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the LORD." (Hab. 2:14 NLT)